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Vented v/s Ventless Gas Fireplace: Differences & How to Choose?

A fireplace is the center of attraction of every home that keeps the house warm and adds to its beauty. Furthermore, the feel and the vibe that the fireplace creates are unmatchable, and it is perfect for enjoying the winter to its fullest. So if you have a dedicated place in your home for the fireplace, you are in for a treat! However, your choice of fireplace needs to be apt to get the perfect winter feel.

You basically get two primary gas fireplace types, vented and ventless. As the name suggests, vented fireplaces have a chimney and a vent from where the gases and exhaust can escape the home. Ventless fireplaces, on the other hand, are pre-fabricated equipment that gets connected to your main gas line and set up by the professionals providing heating service in Arlington. You must have a comprehensive understanding of both to decide which one you would choose. Both the fireplace options have pros and cons, so you have to choose which option would be feasible and relevant for your home. Let us dig deeper to understand the difference between the two and how you can choose the one for your home.

Vented V/S Ventless Gas Fireplaces

These fundamental differences explain everything about vented and ventless fireplaces. If you are also planning to buy one, use the tips below for your reference to make a fruitful purchase. If you already have a wood-burning fireplace in your home, you may want to know if you can convert it into gas and enjoy the ventless experience. Let us find out!

Can I Convert My Wood Burning Fireplace to Gas?

Yes! It is possible to convert your wood-burning fireplace to gas if it is an actual wood-burning furnace and not a stove. It is actually a preferred option as gas offers the utmost efficiency and is very convenient for use.

Is a ventless gas fireplace worth it?

  • Vented fireplaces produce original fires using wood logs to create heat. On the other hand, ventless fireplaces radiate heat as they get connected to the main gas line, which warms the space without fire.
  • A vented fireplace leaves smoke as the authentic wood burns inside them to produce heat. However, there is no smoke produced by the ventless fireplaces as they don’t involve any real wood logs burning in them.
  • You do not need a vent or an escape for the ventless fireplace, as there is no smoke you would want to throw out of the home. But, on the other hand, the vented ones need proper setup with a chimney and a flue for convenient exhaust and gas escape.
  • Vented fireplaces come in a traditional brick-and-mortar design in which you cannot experiment much. However, such is not the case with the ventless ones. You can get them in plethoras of designs and colors. So, you can choose them according to your house interiors.

Before you decide to convert your wood fireplace into a gas one, you need to understand if it is worth it. If you consider the operational cost, ventless is definitely a good idea. Additionally, it doesn’t take much maintenance effort and cost as you wouldn’t have to put the wood in, remove the ash or clean the place more often.

Tips for choosing the right fireplace for your home

  • If you have a budget constraint, prefer investing in ventless fireplaces as it is cheaper than vented ones. The primary reason behind the price difference is the installation involved. You would need a proper escape setup for the vented one, so expect to spend a little more on the installation part.
  • The vented fireplaces give a traditional vibe as there is a brick-and-mortar setup with real wood that you can touch and feel. So, if you need that vibe, opt for it. However, if you need a modern touch, get the ventless fireplace set up by the professionals providing heating service in Arlington.
  • Though real wood burns in a vented fireplace, it is safer than the ventless one. This is because heat escapes the home through the chimney, leaving no fumes or smell in your home.

Use these tips, and pick the best-suited fireplace that keeps you cozy and ups the aesthetic appeal of your home.

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